Again, some very salient points (although you do beat a dead horse for almost two thirds of this piece). We get it! Oooooh — and IT DOES STING! 😮
Me thinks many of your responders doth protest too loudly. Y ou have struck an actual corporeal nerve, here — in the land of the utterly fabricated- this vast detritus of the subconscious. Bravo!
Sadly, the #Truth is #AmericanCapitalism always was and will, most likely continue to be, driven by a handful of ignorant, insecure men. That is, unless their hoards of $$$ fall into the hands of some more evolved, enlightened humans. I can feel it happening (thus all the grief from the aforementioned peanut gallery).
But #AmericanDemocracy? … that’s another thing entirely. The jury, gratefully, is still out on that one. We’ll pull back from this tailspin … we just have to! #WeHaveNoOtherChoice
Thank you Umair. Continue to #HoldHumanityHighest