Coming from a ‘world class communicator’ … ;)
“This means that if you are talking to someone and this person is in the grip of a powerful emotion, they literally cannot process your message. They are not thinking, they are acting on raw emotion and base impulses.”
Sadly, I think many of us are stuck here, on the internet. The dialogue is exacerbatory and exhausting, but people are really either doing one of two things (well, three — actually).
1) They are looking for the #BOUNCE — the one thing that triggers the deluge of anger, frustration, sadness and loneliness — so that they can in turn, vent and excise this emotion. It has to be heard/seen/smelled/expressed.
2) People are too raw in their own experiences, and need to cultivate their sense of self so they can be more objective with others and themselves. (Don’t kid yourself, in the current culture we’re all basket cases these days.)
or 3) People that reside in their reptilian brain just like to fight. In their minds, there is no other reason for their existence on this planet. They were put here to destroy all semblance of humanity. Say what you will, these unmoved people are everywhere. #BewareOfDarkness
With a little practice of our own #SelfAwareness, our ability to #Listen and #Process (use your brain to scare the shadows from the truth and then wrap your arms around it with a big hug) the internet could be a great place to work these things out for ourselves. #SomebodysGotToDoIt :/ … right? Otherwise we just keep making the same mistakes, over and over and over — ad infinitum, until POOF! We’re gone. ❤