2 min readMay 12, 2021


"...his rants have become his trademark on Medium and where ever else he is active. After a while it gets so predictable and I start seeing him as an 'one trick pony'."

Yes, Umair is driven by the same thing every other immigrant that has come to the United States in search of asylum - guilt. At least in America there is still the hope of creating a life free of the oppressions of tyranny.

He's also right about one other thing. Capitalism will most likely mess it all up - not just for us, but for every other country on earth. The people of New Zealand and Austrialia may currently be enjoying a Covid free existence, but they have extremely stringent health measures in place - the kind that are driven solely by science. And you are right. For some reason, the percentage of thier population that has been vaccinated remains in the single digits. Does this mean they are taking their time in being proactive with medicines? Or does this mean they do not have the money to buy the vaccine? Either way, it means they've collectively agreed to create their own little artificial bubble to exist in while the rest of the world struggles with life on planet earth. It's certainly not indefinite, but at least they are currently all on the same page.

I suppose every country and province will have to undergo this #process of sussing out their personal (national) problems before this is over. For India, it's the caste system. For the Middle East, it's religion. For Brazil, it's Balsonaro. Just like in the US, it is definitely capitalism driven by dark arrogance and blissful ignorance - the soul of our democracy is at stake as it's been utterly and indefinitely infected with greedy capitalism. And although Melinda has decided to call it quits with him, even Bill Gates would agree.




Written by cyberLOVEjunkie

Still learning how to live on planet earth ~ please, #RespectHer! The rest will resolve itself. Using spare time to #ChampionHumanity #AI is learning. #BeKind

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