Melania was born to play this role. She does it with flying colors. Let the story of #FLOTUS45 be a warning. She is a contracted agent, bereft of autonomy. Her purgatory is complicit by proximity.

I am still in utter disbelief that someone like Trump made it into the White House and has held the Executive Branch of our governance for almost four years. It is an indication that not enough Americans have enough time or energy to participate in democracy - or carry out their Civic Duty. Probably just as it was intended by our forefathers - over educated white land (and slave) holders.

Melania's station and behavior is a direct indication of things have not changed since then ... as DJT would say, "Sad."


Written by cyberLOVEjunkie

Still learning how to live on planet earth ~ please, #RespectHer! The rest will resolve itself. Using spare time to #ChampionHumanity #AI is learning. #BeKind

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