Even Authoritarians Need A Teddy Bear
#TimesUp Yup, it’s past time. You may have missed the train. But luckily, the way your forefathers and mothers designed it — there may still be time for you to catch the next one.
Too many lives have been lost to the void of senseless human action and inaction. Our collective consciousness has officially turned in on itself. The level of cognitive dissonance is deafening. The golden silence of humility, acceptance and forgiveness is the only remedy.
Outwardly, our media sources are telling us we have found ourselves in this place of Carl Jung’s ‘primitive man’ again. The beautifully elegant simplicity of science, nature and consequentially, our personal truths, have been abrogated for elaborate conspiracies and the mania that only the void mindless media can provide. The minds of the feeble and cowardly have been hijacked by authoritarian forces whom have aligned themselves with false narratives — sewing deceit and lies — fanning the petty fears of the weak into roaring bonfires of displaced anger and senseless aggression. The small part of them that is still trying to engage with all of the dysfunction, has resorted to relinquishing their own authority and agency to the unknown. Defeatism, even for the socially challenged and decidedly ego driven, is more common than you might imagine.
Unless we, as a people of the earth, can come back to ourselves and acknowledge our place in the spectrum of life — with some degree of understanding and grace — we will surely perish, (ironically) just as in the Old Testament. Even the writers of ‘olde’ knew the power of doubt and our greater demons.
The reason we are witnessing a rise of ignorance and extreme bias to seats of representation and governance is actually a mass placation of their narcissism and the utter insecurity of their spiritual ignorance. It may be safer to have these individuals in seats where we (the people they ‘serve’) can monitor their thoughts and behavior — so they don’t do anything too drastic. Authoritarian Rule is often a lonely space to operate from. When these newly elected authoritarian dictators look around, and see that they are in good company with others that are also ignorant of their own shortcomings (and consequentially devoid of the truest support of their people) they can eventually allow themselves to find the forgiveness the true peoples of earth can and will actually afford them (because we, the People of Earth, know what it means to make mistakes) in their repentance. Even the oligarchs — that we have supposedly handed the reigns of our future over to, as a species here on earth — are capable of this evolution of faith in becoming self aware. Any self deprecating or self actualized person would agree with this truth of the human condition. Thanks to the internet and social media platforms, there are more of us than them — the self aware. (Thank you Gods [millions of faceless computer sciences professionals] of Technology and the internet.
The evidence of the return of Carl Jung’s ‘primitive man’ can be found in other nations across the globe. Nations who have also elected extremist figures are complicit in this movement of the collective subconscious mind. These ‘puppet leaders’ are a manifested validation of our collective fear and unactualized — or unclaimed — agency. Our collective ‘id’ , which is describe by Google as ‘the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest’ — knowing our collective existential plight, has elected leaders who may or may not act on the existential crises we face. This opens the door to allowing ourselves to think and act on our own volition — collectively. In electing a volatile and chaotic extremist, we have relinquished our autonomy to behave as our volatile and chaotic leader would — which is, in essence, completely erratic and radically free of constraint of any kind. This is what humans everywhere actually need. Humans need to make peace with their animal bodies, whom have carried them to this point in their evolution, and forge a new future that respects and includes the ugly, but incredibly versatile vehicle that houses our spirit and understanding — of ourselves, one another and our home, the earth (or space, if that’s your jam.)
In America, we have elected a non-leader. We have elected another vacant minded celebrity who will puppet the chaotic false rhetoric of a very small minority, that will keep all of us wondering when they will trip up and send us all careening toward another ‘end of all civilization’. What we don’t yet collectively realize, is that it’s already finished. The minds of the collective peoples of earth have already spoken. (Most of) Our minds have been made up and we are gleeful in the remembrance and reclamation and of our best moments and our best works. This outward expression of our shortcomings is just a press release for those who may have missed the boat (or train or spaceship, as the case may be).
For those of us who have (or have yet to) come to such a contradictory, but concisely accurate conclusion, this is our moment to shine. This is our moment to realize we are actually in control of our own fate. We need not submit the entirety of our will to the void of ignorance and eventual apocalypse. When we realize that our personal and collective destiny actually lies in our own hands, we get to the work of self actualization, humility and forgiveness — of ourselves and others. We are not Gods, but humans — divining the path of redemption and regeneration of our spirit and energies. Our Gods and our Arts are stories to remind us how treacherous and painful the journey can be to self actualization and forgiveness. There are so many great examples, a millennia of anthology to reference, as we learn who we are and what we are capable of.
This war for the soul — this war of validation of the self — that we blindly and ignorantly continue to wage with one another — must be won human to human, across national boundaries, religion, and all the ignorant biases we absentmindedly and sometimes arrogantly, but ignorantly hold for one another. We don’t all have to know everything about one another, but we DO have to have faith and eventually trust one another so we can continue to build foundations for our families, our communities and future generations to embrace and cultivate for themselves.
I believe this war is actually over and has been won. Our collective redemption of free will and faith in one another has been a quantum one — and thusly, already been set into motion.
Here’s to a blindingly beautiful (forty) four years of #Reclamation.
~ with Ultimate Compassion and Pragma, your cyberLOVEjunkie