Yes, I still live in America — my entire life. I think I understand when you say you gave up a lot to move and live away from the place you were born. I think we all have our reasons for wanting to be some place other than the place we’re born to. Anything of value or worth is always a compromise. As I said, some are born to struggle and wander. Never stop searching. Never stop being curious. This is the fuel of every great adventurer.
I’m not sure why Medium does not provide an email contact for users, but I am on most platforms. Let me know what other social platform you utilize and we can connect. I love writing letters, by hand and am a good pen pal if you ever want one.
I can’t tell you my age or gender. A decent amount of time ago, I decided when I was out here in cyber space I would never divulge this information. It is irrelevant — that is unless we intend to connect in the corporeal. I’m not sure how likely that would be, but I have been known to entertain the wildest imaginings … so, who knows?